October 26th, 2016
From Mary Jane’s Instagram account: Saturday, the world record for the longest shot ski was broken! More than 1,000 people participated in this historic event, and the shot ski stretched the length of Main Street! #parkcityliving #parkcitymainstreet #maryjanesshoes #worldrecord #shotski #historicparkcity
Yes, the gallery was open… no, we did not partake!
Park City held its 1st annual shot ski event in celebration of Wasatch Brewery’s 30th anniversary Saturday, Oct. 22, 2016. The event drew a crowd of more than 1,000 people, breaking the world record for the world’s longest shot ski.
334 skis, with 3 people per ski, were hooked together running the length of Main Street from the Wasatch Brew Pub to Heber Avenue. At 2:00, Greg Schirf, the founder of Wasatch Beers, started the countdown and at sound of the air horn, everyone drank their shot (of beer) in unison.
See additional photos from the Park Record, here: http://photos.parkrecord.com/2016/10/24/photos-1st-annual-park-city-shot-ski/
Posted in Gallery News