February 26th, 2016
Matt Flint “Traveler” Mixed Media 42″ x 30″
By Eileen Treasure, Fine Art Consultant
To study the paintings of Matt Flint is to step into a great American novel like Call of the Wild by Jack London.
“But especially he loved to run in the dim twilight of the summer midnights, listening to the subdued and sleepy murmurs of the forest, reading signs and sounds as a man may read a book, and seeking for the mysterious something that called — called, waking or sleeping, at all times, for him to come.”
― Jack London, The Call of the Wild
One feels the moment in time. Matt Flint has captured something from a great story and you find yourself imagining the rest of the tale. The beautiful and subtle layers of texture and color certainly paint a thousand words.
Matt Flint “A Perfect Day” Mixed Media 60″ x 48″
Matt Flint “Sentinel” Mixed Media 48″ x 36″
Matt Flint “Together” Mixed Media 48″ x 48″
Please stop by the gallery to view the works in person, or visit the website here: https://blog.gallerymar.com/artists/matt-flint/. You may also call the gallery to request a catalog of the show at 435-649-3001.