April 1st, 2013
Please join Park City Community Foundation
and help us Launch the
Women’s Giving Fund!
Gallery MAR
Thursday, April 11 from 5:30 – 7:30 PM
Please RSVP no later than Friday, April 5 to Katie Wright: katie@theparkcityfoundation.org
Wine and light appetizers will be served.
This year, Gallery MAR celebrates 5 years of business on Main Street,
> Park City.
> It’s an exciting time for us and we are looking forward to
> celebrating! It has been a very successful winter as well, and I want
> to thank you for being a part of it. It is a pleasure to work with
> such talented and thoughtful artists.
> With our celebration in mind, I am inviting you to take part in a
> group show, which will open on July 26th. The show is called “FIVE”
> and the idea is to paint with the number in line: in some way, your
> painting must reflect the number, or idea, of five. Be as literal or
> as subjective as you wish-I am looking forward to seeing what
> direction you take! Please paint up to three pieces for the show, but know that just one would be just right.
> If you wish to participate, I will need your confirmation (by phone or
> email) by April 15th and the work here by July 20th at the very
> latest. I will also need a show image by June 1st for inclusion in our
> mailer and advertisement. As well, please remember that July and
> August are wonderfully busy months for us, and we would always
> appreciate a fresh group of work for our season.
> Park City.
> It’s an exciting time for us and we are looking forward to
> celebrating! It has been a very successful winter as well, and I want
> to thank you for being a part of it. It is a pleasure to work with
> such talented and thoughtful artists.
> With our celebration in mind, I am inviting you to take part in a
> group show, which will open on July 26th. The show is called “FIVE”
> and the idea is to paint with the number in line: in some way, your
> painting must reflect the number, or idea, of five. Be as literal or
> as subjective as you wish-I am looking forward to seeing what
> direction you take! Please paint up to three pieces for the show, but know that just one would be just right.
> If you wish to participate, I will need your confirmation (by phone or
> email) by April 15th and the work here by July 20th at the very
> latest. I will also need a show image by June 1st for inclusion in our
> mailer and advertisement. As well, please remember that July and
> August are wonderfully busy months for us, and we would always
> appreciate a fresh group of work for our season.