March 15th, 2013
Gallery MAR & the National MS Society
Team Up for Love Utah Give Utah – March 22
Park City, Utah –Park City’s Gallery MAR, together with the National MS Society’s Utah office, will host a reception Friday, March 22 from 6-8 p.m. to celebrate Love Utah Give Utah, a special day of giving supporting the important work nonprofits do to make Utah a wonderful place to live.
Come enjoy the great ambiance of the popular contemporary art gallery while also learning more about multiple sclerosis and how the Society helps people affected by the disease including funding important research and providing for local programs and services that help people with MS and their families move their lives forward.
MS is a chronic often disabling disease of the central nervous system (brain, spinal cord, optic nerves). It interrupts the flow of information within the brain, and the brain with the rest of the body. MS stops people from moving. It is not known what causes MS and there is no cure …yet! Join the movement and help do something about multiple sclerosis.
WHAT: | Gallery MAR & the National MS Society Celebrate Love Utah Give Utah Reception – appetizers and beveragesWHEN: | Friday, March 22 6-8 p.m.WHERE: | Gallery MAR 436 Main Street in Park CityCONTACTS: | Maren Bargreen Mullin (435-649-3001 or Juliann Fritz (435-640-8379 or