August 31st, 2008
Beginning earlier this year, a group of Park City gallery owners and directors made the move to take ownership of the Park City Gallery Association into the hands of the galleries. They are working to create their own website, (love the new logo), along with their own awareness, advertising and marketing campaign to promote the stroll and Park City arts. From what I’ve heard, everyone is working well together and “good things” are happening… Congratulations!
Previously, the Kimball Art Center headed the Association and was known as the starting off point for the monthly stroll. And prior to that (a few years back) there was an individual association run by gallery owners. It seems that the group is now coming full circle with the Park City galleries as heads of the Association. From what I have been able to discern, with this new organization, the Kimball Art Center will be a part of the stroll and Association, but there will not be a charge for the stroll (previously $7) paid to the Kimball. This means more responsibility, time and effort for the galleries, but also more say in the organization and operations of the Association.
I’m looking forward to joining the new Park City Gallery Association and participating in the strolls along with the promotion of Park City arts. The Kimball Art Center does a fantastic job of bringing arts to our locals and visitors, and we’re fortunate to have them as a part of our arts community. Check out their current exhibit of Erin Berrett’s work if you’re in town. With their new leadership, I’m optimistic that the Kimball will work together with the Park City Gallery Association to do great things.
Watch in the coming months for the new brochure, the completion of the website, and a new energy and level of involvement from the galleries here in town. Gallery MAR will be featured on the new map/brochure, as well as the website, and will participate in every monthly stroll.