July 10th, 2008
Jessica Peterson, of the Utah Museum of Fine Arts, is calling for new members to the Young Benefactors group. I am a member, and want to encourage all young and arts-interested readers to attend one of the recruitment events coming soon.
Jessica writes, “We want to take advantage of this year’s blockbuster exhibition, ‘Monet to Picasso,’ and use this opportunity to introduce new people to the Museum and to the Young Benefactors. We will be hosting two morning/breakfast YB recruitment events on August 7 and 15. On both dates we will begin with an informal gathering and light breakfast in the board room at 8am, followed by a private tour of “Monet to Picasso” lead by Jill Dawsey. If you know of other people who would enjoy participating in the Young Benefactors, please provide me with their names and contact info (address, phone, email) no later than Wednesday, July 16.” Her phone number at the museum is 801-585-0464.