Scott Lloyd Anderson’s
Paintings of the New I-35W Bridge Construction Project
In June, Minnesota Public Radio, the Minneapolis StarTribune, WCCO News, Soutwest Journal, and other media highlighted Scott’s series of paintings of the construction of the new I-35W bridge.
It’s not every day that a bridge is built over the Mississippi River. Scott Anderson says, “The more time I spend at the site the more enthralled I am with the scale, angles, perspective, color, and space.” A few of these pieces are below.
You can view the full series of original paintings on display August 1–29 at the Art Gallery in the Trivent Financial (formerly Lutheran Brotherhood) building, just a few blocks from the bridge site at 625 4th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN. The opening reception is next Friday, August 1, 5–8:00 p.m.
As well, Anderson recently participated in the Telluride Plein Air Festival in Colorado. We are fortunate to have two of these fresh pieces on display at the gallery. You can also see them online at Scott Anderson’s page.