October 30th, 2008

The Secret to a Happy Life

a condensed, easy-to-read philosophy gleaned from ancient times
By Allan Mardon

Isn’t this what we all need? Wackiness and spirited humor from Gallery MAR artist Allan Mardon. Mardon is a veteran painter of desert landscapes, horses, buffaloes, and the Indians that lived with them. He is probably best known for his work “The Battle of Greasy Grass,” which depicts Custer’s “last stand” and is featured in the permanent collection of the Whitney Gallery of Western Art. Of his work, Mardon says, “People find my painting themes and style available to them but perhaps don’t know why. It may be because of the traditional elements I use that are archetypal. I combine the simple visual approach of man’s earliest art with the roaming layout of ancient tapestries and murals.”

“I have reduced thousands of books written on this subject into a stunningly economical work. This is not a full self-help book but yet more of a spoof.” For book purchase information, click here.

We just received new new paintings by Mardon, which you can view in the gallery or online. To see more artworks by Allan Mardon, visit his artworks page.